Wrapped steel plate pipe

The FTI prestressed concrete pipe with incorporated steel plate is the best substitute for castiron; it differs from the FB pipe in its composition and its length limited to 6 meters, and it is composed of:

  • An interior lining made of prestressed concrete castusing a vertical casting process.
  • A steel core equipped with end rings welded to its ends.
  • A seal applied to the rings to ensure watertightness.
  • An exterior coating of molded prestressed concrete protecting the steel core.
  • A high tensile strength reinforcement obtained by helical winding of a steel wire (circumferential fretting).
  • A vibrated concrete coating for high density.

The FTI El Kanaouet pipes are primarily used for transporting large volumes of water at a pressure of around 20 bars.
FTI pipes are used for stormwater drainage, sanitary wastewater drainage, potable water transfer, and the distribution of pressurized fluids.

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